
"Spaghetti" - A Butoh Dance Piece
Seminarleiter*inTiziana Longo

"Spaghetti" - A Butoh Dance Piece

Performance with Tiziana Longo

"SPAGHETTI" by Tiziana Longo is an unique dance piece to experience and witness as a one-of-a-kind dance experience . A deep encounter with a shifted Body-Space-Time organism...

Authentic Movement
Seminarleiter*inHeike Kuhlmann

Authentic Movement

2-day workshop to deepen or start your practice

Authentic Movement (AM) offers a space to be present in the here and now, to arrive at yourself, to find a break in everyday life and to find space to move what wants to be...

Sensory Experiencing: Touch & Trauma
Seminarleiter*inJane Okondo

Sensory Experiencing: Touch & Trauma

EN | 6-day workshop Somatic Hands On with Jane Okondo

Trauma held within the body can affect a person's ability to function with ease and regulation. Touch-based work supports skill development and listening for the resolution of...


Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

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Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the

Become a Somatic Movement Educator

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

Somatic Performances at the Somatic Academy Berlin | from August

We are very pleased to be able to present various