Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you have noticed, there have been difficulties booking workshops or individual modules of training courses on our website.

We would like to apologize for this. Please feel free to contact us at any time by email at info@somatische-akademie.de if complications or questions arise again.

Many thanks and best regards,

the team of the Somatic Academy


Somatic Butoh

We will approach how to do less or nothing and

Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

What options of funding and support are available for our

Sense awareness in Somatic Yoga

Somatic Yoga is an open yoga system which,

Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the