Events at the Somatic Academy Berlin (SAB)

Feldenkrais Methode Workshop in August
Seminarleiter*inKatja Münker

Feldenkrais Methode Workshop in August

DE | drop-in | 1x month

The Feldenkrais method is a gentle movement and perception practice. These workshops "Awareness through Movement" are dedicated to everyday movements and focus on common...

"Spaghetti" - A Butoh Dance Piece
Seminarleiter*inTiziana Longo

"Spaghetti" - A Butoh Dance Piece

Performance with Tiziana Longo

"SPAGHETTI" by Tiziana Longo is an unique dance piece to experience and witness as a one-of-a-kind dance experience . A deep encounter with a shifted Body-Space-Time organism...

Authentic Movement
Seminarleiter*inHeike Kuhlmann

Authentic Movement

2-day workshop to deepen or start your practice

Authentic Movement (AM) offers a space to be present in the here and now, to arrive at yourself, to find a break in everyday life and to find space to move what wants to be...

Embodying Textures
Seminarleiter*inTiziana Longo

Embodying Textures

2-day workshop with Tiziana Longo

Everything is surrounded, wrapped, touched by the air and we are touched. This workshop starts from observing, contemplating, touching and deeply sensing the air at the...

Dancing Tigers
Seminarleiter*inTiziana Longo

Dancing Tigers

EN | series 6x Tuedday | T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo

Dancing Tigers T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo Healing comes by activating inner will and acknowledging the power of this choice to...

What is somatics?
Seminarleiter*inKatja Münker

What is somatics?

EN | introduction in somatics | free

Somatics focuses on the potential of our sensing and sensed body in various body-perception approaches: for example, with accessible sensory and movement abilities, with the...

Contact Improvisation
Seminarleiter*inElske Seidel

Contact Improvisation

DE + EN | 1x week | series in closed group

Together we will learn, research, and gradually discover the subtleties which allow us to dive into a deeply fulfilling experience – moving in solo and in contact. 2h Contact...

Somatic Choir
Seminarleiter*inTanja Buttenborg

Somatic Choir

DE + EN | 2 x month | drop-in

The Somatic Choir is an invitation to a holistic experience of one's own voice and that of the collective, as well as to create a mindful space together in which we can have...

Somatic Basics Training
Seminarleiter*inKai Ehrhardt, Heike Kuhlmann

Somatic Basics Training

Get in touch with yourself in a deep and subtle way - Enabling unfolding and development We believe that people strive to develop and grow. The aim of our Somatic Basics...

Authentic Movement
Seminarleiter*inHeike Kuhlmann

Authentic Movement

DE+EN | 3h workshop

Authentic Movement enables the expression of unconscious material and its integration. Practicing together is at the same time an invitation for everyone to come back to...


Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

What options of funding and support are available for our

Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the

Become a Somatic Movement Educator

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

Somatic Performances at the Somatic Academy Berlin | from August

We are very pleased to be able to present various