What is the Somatic Academy of Berlin?

The Somatic Academy Berlin is dedicated to the work and research of the living body. Originating in the English-speaking world, all holistic and body-centered disciplines belonging to this field are called "somatics". They use the body as a portal to the whole human being.

The body perceived from within is a source and resource for health, artistic expression and personal development and goes far beyond the "functioning" body. Perception makes it possible to relate more consciously to the social and natural environment.

The intention of the Somatic Academy Berlin is to collect and illuminate the diversity, advantages and limitations of somatic methods; to strengthen the field of somatic approaches through cross-method collaboration; to teach embodied knowledge in a professional way; empowering people to be autonomous, self-knowing and empathetic, connected to themselves and to a larger whole; and to carry that knowledge and experience into society.

The trainings offered by the Somatic Academy are aimed both at the curious and professionals. They establish connections between academic knowledge and the experience gained in body-oriented methods. With its work, the Somatic Academy promotes the recognition of empirical knowledge is an indispensable part of human science and advancement.


Support the potential of your own voice in Somatic Voice

Voices are as individual, fascinating and diverse as people are.

Dancing Tigers | from May 22 6:00pm

Healing comes by activating inner will and acknowledging

C.A.R.E | Somatic childhood pedagogy | from Jul 01, 2024

How can we accompany babies, children and adolescents individually and

Become a Somatic Movement Educator

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

Special somatic workshops

Various workshop highlights for personal and professional development at the

Educational leave (Bildungszeit) for Somatics?

Bildungszeit, Bildungsurlaub or Bildungsfreistellung are terms that express a legal

Difficulties with the booking?

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