Barbara Gamper

Barbara Gamper
Artist, performer (MFA Fine Art Goldsmiths, University of London)
Somatic Movement Educator (Somatische Akademie Berlin)
My practice involves performance, participation, somatic techniques and textile objects. I like sites of cross-pollination, overlap, blend, blur, transition, and transformation - niches for other knowledge-making and processes of experience.
In my daily research and practice I endeavour to sense my body as a porous and fluid form — not ending at the skin — and to expand this experience in interconnection with other (human and non-human) organisms and ecologies. Herein unfolds a process of recognising and unlearning the hierarchical system and behavioural patterns, which humans internalise from culture and socialisation, in order to thrive towards a culture of equality, kinship and accountability.
I relate to movement (embodiment/somatics) as a form of care and potential tool for (inter)personal and structural change. In this process empathy, pleasure and play are crucial ingredients.
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