Educational leave (Bildungszeit) for Somatics?

Bildungszeit, Bildungsurlaub or Bildungsfreistellung are terms that express a legal entitlement to time off work to participate in recognized continuing education events. This leave makes it possible to participate during working hours while continuing to receive remuneration.

Education is a matter for the federal states, which is why the entitlement to educational leave is regulated differently. Different workshops, as well as training and further education courses at the Somatic Academy Berlin are recognized for employees in Berlin.

Full-time employees in Berlin have the opportunity to take 5 days of training time per year. The entitlement to training time in one year can also be combined with the entitlement in the following year, resulting in a total of 10 days of training time. Please click here for more information.

The following workshops and trainigs are regognized for employees in Berlin as educational leave:

Somatic Basics

Professional training in EN
Sep 09, 2024 – May 02, 2025

Development of child´s movement

DE+EN | 6-day workshop in somatic childhood pedagogy C.A.R.E
Jan 31, 2025 – Feb 05, 2025

>> more info


Movement, play and interaction with children (0-3 and 3-7 Jahre)

DE+EN | 5-day workshop in somatic childhood pedagogy C.A.R.E
Apr 12, 2025 – Apr 16, 2025

>> more info


Movement and learning

DE+EN | 5-day workshop in somatic childhood pedagogy C.A.R.E
Oct 27, 2025 – Oct 31, 2025

>> more info


Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

What options of funding and support are available for our

Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the

Become a Somatic Movement Educator

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

Somatic Performances at the Somatic Academy Berlin | from August

We are very pleased to be able to present various