- Critical Somatics
DE | Workshop 1x month
Many practices are considered as somatic, but what does somatics stand for?
Who should participate in the Critical Somatics workshops?
Topics of the Critical Somatics workshops
Nov 03, 2024 | Why Critical Somatics?
- Intersectionality, body-mind split-historical contextualization, introduction to critical somatics
Jan 05, 2025 | Feminism as part of Critical Somatics
- Why is feminism for everyone? Why should Critical Somatics be feminist?
Feb 02, 2025 | Class as part of Critical Somatics
- Material injustice, entanglement of race, class and gender
Mar 02, 2025 | Collective trauma
- Epigenetics, collective reappraisal versus collective trauma, how personal and collective trauma can be connected or mixed? Why an intersectional approach helps here.
Apr 06, 2025 | Critical somatics for sustainable activism
- Somatics for what?
- From theory to practice
- As an end in itself, we develop possibilities for action, can we engage in activism without getting burnt out?
May 18, 2025 | Critical Whiteness as part of Critical Somatics
- What is Critical Whiteness Research? Why does Critical Somatics need Critical Whiteness Research? White fragilities and somatic empathy.
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen
The workshops are organized by the Arbeitskreis Kritische Somatik (AKS).
3h Workshop Critical Somatics | Sunday | 18:00 - 21:00 | 1x month
Please note that the event takes place on the 4th floor without elevator. Hybrid participation is available, but in-person interaction will be prioritized. We are sorry that further barriers could not be removed due to limited resources.

Heike Kuhlmann
MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography
Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on: www.somatik-tanz-choreographie.de, www.heikekuhlmann.net

Barbara Gamper
Artist, performer (MFA Fine Art Goldsmiths, University of London)
Somatic Movement Educator (Somatische Akademie Berlin)
My practice involves performance, participation, somatic techniques and textile objects. I like sites of cross-pollination, overlap, blend, blur, transition, and transformation - niches for other knowledge-making and processes of experience.
In my daily research and practice I endeavour to sense my body as a porous and fluid form — not ending at the skin — and to expand this experience in interconnection with other (human and non-human) organisms and ecologies. Herein unfolds a process of recognising and unlearning the hierarchical system and behavioural patterns, which humans internalise from culture and socialisation, in order to thrive towards a culture of equality, kinship and accountability.
I relate to movement (embodiment/somatics) as a form of care and potential tool for (inter)personal and structural change. In this process empathy, pleasure and play are crucial ingredients.

Franziska Benkel
freelance historian, author and somatic movement teacher
Franziska (she/her) is a historian and somatic movement teacher, exploring the connection between cultural and social work. As a founding member of the Arbeitskreis Kritische Somatik and the feminist group Resistance_Violence_History, she engages deeply with historical narratives while embodying a critical, reflective practice. Since becoming a parent in 2023, she continues to integrate her experiences into her work, fostering awareness of both personal and collective histories through somatic practices.
BerlinSomatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
What does participation cost?
10-25€ | sliding scale, at your own discretion
Please pay on site directly to the facilitators. Please contact the Arbeitskreis Kritische Somatik directly for registration.