C.A.R.E | A Somatic Approach for Creativity. Attachment. Resilience. Education

C.A.R.E | A Somatic Approach for Creativity. Attachment. Resilience. Education

Training for professionals and lifelong learners

C.A.R.E. is a comprehensive training program that combines somatic movement practice with neuroscientific and pedagogical knowledge to promote holistic human development - whether in a therapeutic, educational or personal context.

The C.A.R.E. program is designed to train contact with ourselves and strengthen personal resilience so that a supportive field of relationships with others can become possible in the first place. Instead of reliving retraumatizing memories, C.A.R.E. helps participants understand the impact of the past on the nervous system and self-perception. With targeted work on early childhood reflexes, embryonic development and the foundations of self-regulation, dysfunctional survival strategies are recognized and new resources for stability and well-being are created. To achieve this, C.A.R.E. combines innovative somatic approaches with neuroscientific findings as well as attachment and developmental theories.

On the one hand, this program is about training the ability to support others in a resource- and relationship-oriented way, but also about dealing with one's own patterns. By observing and understanding the connections between movement and non-verbal interaction, C.A.R.E. enables participants to integrate these fundamental principles into their personal and professional practice.



C.A.R.E. stands for Creativity. Attachment. Resilience. Education and combines insights from Body-Mind Centering®, the Feldenkrais Method and neurophysiological psychology to explore, embody and communicate the relationship between our physiological developmental processes and emotions. This connection can enrich and transform your understanding, behavior and work with others.

What is the benefit of participation?

  • Understand how our physiological and emotional systems are connected.
  • Learn ways to strengthen your own emotional, mental and physical well-being.
  • Gain insights into how you can help others - especially children and young people - to achieve greater body awareness and emotional regulation.

Photo credit: Lorenza G. Doherty

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

200 UE / 6 modules / 4 somatic methods / 3 instructors


The C.A.R.E training consists of 6 modules and each module can be booked individually. You can join the ongoing modular training at any time.
Some of the modules are recognized as educational leave in Berlin.

Module 1

tba | Embryological basis of our life

  • Developments of organs and musculoskeletal system
  • Developments of nervous system and senses
  • Developments of relations to the gravity
  • Development of attachement and bonding

Module 2

Jan 31 - Feb 05, 2025 | Development of child´s movement

  • Physical experience of individual movement sequences
  • Primitive reflexes, hold and posiiton reflexes
  • Developments of movement in the first year
  • Developments of brain, eyes, organ of balance

Module 3

Apr 12-16, 2025 | Moving, playing, interacting with kids (0-3 years | 3-7 years)

  • Contact Improvisation for tall and small, creativity and dancing
  • Body awareness and feelings, mindfulness
  • Bonding and attachment theory
  • Developments of child´s movement and reflex integration

Module 4

Oct 27-31, 2025 | Movement and learning

  • Understanding of the inseparable connection between movement and learning
  • Physical experiencing of the nervous system together with a theoretical understanding
  • Developments of the brain, nervous system, learning and movement development, movement observation/movement analysis, context/practical application/practical fields, case studies, recognizing compensations

Module 5

Jan 31 - Feb 04, 2026 | Moving, playing, interacting with kids (8-12 years | 13-16 years)     

  • Practical experiences for games, support and frustration
  • Contact improvisation, dancing, playing and creativity
  • Body awareness, perception, mindfulness
  • Touch and sexuality                

Module 6

Mar 30 - Apr 03, 2026 | Somatic working experience with kids and teenagers

  • Movement application, games
  • Support were needed
  • Touch and sexuality
  • Case studies
  • Graduation and teaching presentation

For whom is C.A.R.E?

  • Teachers, social workers, youth workers and parents who are looking for new ways to help children and young people grow and develop through physical experience and body awareness.
  • Parents who want to better understand how they can promote their children's emotional and physical well-being through movement and mindfulness.
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to find and support their own emotional and physical balance.

What are the key educational aspects of the C.A.R.E. program? 

  • Developmental foundations: C.A.R.E. begins with the observation of how humans develop from the earliest stages (prenatal, infancy, early childhood) and how movement and attachment influence learning. The neurobiological foundations of learning, such as the function of the nervous system and the development of trauma, form the educational cornerstones of the training.
  • Learning through experience: Participants learn through embodied experience. Movement-based activities provide a deep understanding of developmental processes, while theoretical information accompanies their own learning and reflection process.
  • Learning as a lifelong process: C.A.R.E. is aimed at those who wish to deepen their understanding of learning as an ongoing developmental process - be it in their work with children, adults or for their own personal growth.

Research-based and practice-oriented

Our C.A.R.E. program is based on years of practical experience and integrates proven approaches from various disciplines, such as Somatic Experiencing (SE), Body-Mind Centering®, Neuromotor Development Promotion INPP®, NARM, Feldenkrais and others. These methods are integrated with each other to promote a deep understanding of the connections between body, mind and development. They are based on the latest research and help to regulate the nervous system and understand the effects of trauma and early childhood development without focusing on the traumatic event itself.

Applied somatic methods of training

  • IBMT (Integrative Bodywork- and Movement Therapy)
  • Neurophysiological Psychology
  • Feldenkrais
  • Contact Improvisation
  • Ideokinesis
  • Body-Mind Centering®
  • Dance

Graduation Requirements:

  • Proof of 10 hours observation.
  • One class presentation
  • Case study or practical research, documented in an essay of maximum 3,000

General content:

  1. Tone
  2. Development of the vestibular system
  3. Reflexes
  4. Primitive reflexes
  5. Postural reflexes
  • Human Movement Development
  • Brain development
  1. development of the nervous system
  2. information processing
  3. physiological learning processes
  4. new ​​versus re-learning
  5. creating a supportive space for learning
Self awareness
  1. dealing with resistance
  2. achievement evaluation
  3. age-appropriate mediation
  1. teenagers
  2. 8-11 (development of sexuality)
  3. 3-7/8 (Postural reflexes should be integrated)
  4. 0-3
Practice-related mediation
  1. Games: Movement activities / Support / Touch
  2. Touch: as support not as correction /alternatives to touch


  • Experiential Anatomy
  • A variety of Somatic methods
  • Context / practical application / practice fields
  • Integration
  • Hands on
  • Case  study discussions

Die Teile

Embryological Foundations

Embryological Foundations

Module 1

This module is dedicated to the human evolution before birth. We will theoretically and practically experience the embryological unfolding that every human being goes through....

Development of child´s movement

Development of child´s movement

Module 2

The second module focuses on the complexity of Infant Movement Developmentals (IMD).Tonus, sense of balance and primitive reflexes are treated especially with regard to their...

Movement, play, interaction with children

Movement, play, interaction with children

Module 3

This mdodule focuses on mindful movement, dance and play for children ages 0-3 yrs and 3-7 yrs. We will introduce activities how to engage adults and children in collaborative...

Movement and learning

Movement and learning

Module 4

This innovative training is suitable for a wide range of infant and childcare practitioners. Whether you work in education, health, or social and community settings this...


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Heike Kuhlmann


MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography 

Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on: www.somatik-tanz-choreographie.dewww.heikekuhlmann.net


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Adalisa Menghini

Teacher, choreographer, performer

Adalisa studied at the S.N.D.O in Amsterdam, after which she completed her M.A. in Neurophysiological Psychology. She is a teacher of the Feldenkrais Method. She works with professional and non-professional dancers, children and seniors. She was nominated twice as best choreographer of the "Giocabriga". In collaboration with K. Wickenhäuser, she has brought performances with school children to museums. Twice they have won the "Kinder zum Olymp!" award. She teaches at the Tanzfabrik, the Somatic Academy Berlin and at the Berlin University of the Arts.

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Ka Rustler

Ka Rustler has been performing, researching and analyzing somatic practices and their embodiment in movement, choreography and therapy for over 30 years. BMC® Teacher

Daten & Kosten


Complete C.A.R.E professional training

+ Certification 200€

paying via installments is possible.

Single modules - all modules can be booked seperatley as well

690€ | 5-day-module
810€ | 6-day-module


Jan 31, 2025 - April 03, 2026


Module 1

tba | Embryological basis of our life

Module 2

Jan 31 - Feb 05, 2025 | Development of child´s movement

Module 3

Apr 12-16, 2025 | Moving, playing, interacting with kids (0-3 years | 3-7 years)

Module 4

Oct 27-31, 2025 | Movement and learning

Module 5

Jan 31 - Feb 04, 2026 | Moving, playing, interacting with kids (8-12 years | 13-16 years)             

Module 6

Mar 30 - Apr 03, 2026 | Somatic working experience with kids and teenagers



10am - 5:30pm
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
  • Full Price: 3680.00 EUR
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal


Please don´t hesitate in contacting the team of C.A.R.E directly via e-Mail.


Heike Kuhlmann
Adalisa Menghini
Ka Rustler

Daten & Kosten

  • Full Price 3680.00 EUR
ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor