What is somatics?

- What is somatics?

DE+EN | introduction in somatics | free

Somatics focuses on the potential of our sensing and sensed body in various body-perception approaches: for example, with accessible sensory and movement abilities, with the physical structure in the anatomy that can be experienced or with the interaction between the organic self-organisation of our body and what we specifically do. In this respect, somatics deals with the aspects of 'having a body', the intentional access to our body, but above all with the qualities of 'being a body', the bodily perceived dimension of our physical existence.

In this event, the basic principles of somatics will be outlined, their potential values described and explored with simple examples and exercises.

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


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Heike Kuhlmann


MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography 

Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on: www.somatik-tanz-choreographie.dewww.heikekuhlmann.net



Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
Zahlung Eintritt frei

This workshop is free. No previous experience is necessary, registration is recommended.


Heike Kuhlmann

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
ZahlungEintritt frei
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor