Body-Mind Centering® series from May to July

- Body-Mind Centering® series from May to July

DE+EN | drop-in

Body-Mind Centering® series

This BMC® series entitled "Support, refuel, move - from hands on to movement expression" invites people to come out of their everyday lives and immerse themselves in their bodies. The Body-Mind Centering® method enables people to discover their inner richness and use it to recharge and create. Additionally to BMC®, we use improvisation and dance techniques.

Giving and receiving - bodywork and expression within Body-Mind Centering® 

Giving and receiving bodywork may be a source of deep support and revitalization. We’ll draw on different approaches out of the wealth of Body-Mind Centering® and we are inviting the nervous system to self-regulate and to integrate new impulses.

Classes start with a time to land in your own body to then dive into bodywork exchange that will finally open pathways into movement and creative expression - following the lead of your own process. As a participant you are open to physical contact with others and to give and receive hands-on. You are taking care of your own boundaries and of what you need for your well-being. 

As a series special we are offering the registration of yourself together with another person for the price of 242€. It allows you to be in and enjoy the course with a good friend.

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


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Heike Kuhlmann

MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography 

Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on:


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Nina Spiri

BMC®-Practitioner, Workshop Facilitator & Coach

Nina is Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner and innovation trainer. She is passionate about people and facilitating individual as well as group processes in various ways & contexts. She loves journeys that lead you into the different tissues of your body and open the possibility to sense and get to know yourself better. Next to her passion for BMC® and anatomy, Nina supports multidisciplinary teams with empathy, communication and creativity techniques to generate ideas and innovative solutions.

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Jennie Zimmermann

Dancer, dance pedagogue, BMC® Somatic Movement Educator, Laban-Bartenieff Movement Analyst (Certificate "basic") and musician

Jennie practices and teaches contact improvisation and somatic bodywork. Her artistic work and teaching focus on the experience of activity and rest, regeneration, appreciation and self-care, individuality, communication and community.

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Julia Kleinknecht

Practitioner and Somatic Movement Educator of Body-Mind-Centering®, certified Dramatherapist (DGFT), graduate in cinematography, dancer and theatre professional.

Julia Kleinknecht is a graduate in cinematography, dancer and theatre professional. Certified as Somatic Movement Educator of Body-Mind-Centering®in 2018 and currently enrolled in the Practitioner Program. 
Intensive movement and bodywork practice since 2002 - Aikido, Shiatsu, Yoga, Contemporary dance and Contact Improvisation, discovering BMC® in 2005 and teaching it since 2018, e.g. at the fabrik Potsdam and Tanzfabrik Berlin. 

Various performance projects and member of a puppeteer street theatre company for many years, long term collaboration with aufBruch KunstGefängnisStadt and Constanza Macras / Dorkypark. As well as working for many years with people with special needs at Lebenshilfe Berlin and currently starting a career as a dramatherapist (certified DFGT)

Kosten & Daten


May 02 - July 11, 2024 | Thursday | 6:00 - 8:00pm


16-25 € | drop-in
10€ | SAB students

150€ | 132€ reduced | whole series with 11 dates
242€ | Ticket special for 2

As a series special we are offering the registration of yourself together with another person for the price of 242€. It allows you to be in and enjoy the course with a good friend. Please pay on site directly to the facilitors.


on Thursday 18:00 - 20:00
SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
  • Sozialpreis: 16.00 EUR
  • Full Price: 25.00 EUR
  • Member Price: 10.00 EUR
Zahlung Keine Einzelbuchung

Please pay on site directly to the teacher and do not hesitate contacting Heike Kuhlmann for registration and if you have questions.




Heike Kuhlmann
Nina Spiri
Jennie Zimmermann
Julia Kleinknecht

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
ZahlungKeine Einzelbuchung
SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30