Movement and learning

- Movement and learning

Module 4

This innovative training is suitable for a wide range of infant and childcare practitioners. Whether you work in education, health, or social and community settings this training will support your practice. Experience the developmental and learning processes from a selection of Somatic methodologies through experiential learning and explore the practical applications that can enrich your work. 

In this workshop, we continue with child development in the first year. We will explore the expression of the yield, push, reach and pull movements in the Homolateral pattern. We will deepen our understanding of the meaning of the reflexes and the importance of the integration of primitive reflexes to allow for the postural reflexes to function appropriately. We will study equilibrium responses, eye, and brain development, and the relationship with study skills ( reading, writing, concentration ). The programme delivers a grounding in non-judgemental and precise movement observation skills in order will develop your ability for positive and supportive interaction with parents and carers. The somatic movement education process allows for physical exploration and embodiment of the patterns, reflexes, and developmental stages to contextualise and deepen your understanding and ability to perceive the principles we are studying.

  • Primitive reflexes 2 / inhibition
  • Postural reflexes 1: integration
  • Equilibrium organs 3
  • Brain development 1
  • The Eye
  • Movement observation/motion analysis
  • Context / practical application / practice fields
  • case studies
  • Interaction with carers 3

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


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Heike Kuhlmann

MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography 

Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on:


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Adalisa Menghini

Teacher, choreographer, performer

Adalisa studied at the S.N.D.O in Amsterdam, after which she completed her M.A. in Neurophysiological Psychology. She is a teacher of the Feldenkrais Method. She works with professional and non-professional dancers, children and seniors. She was nominated twice as best choreographer of the "Giocabriga". In collaboration with K. Wickenhäuser, she has brought performances with school children to museums. Twice they have won the "Kinder zum Olymp!" award. She teaches at the Tanzfabrik, the Somatic Academy Berlin and at the Berlin University of the Arts.

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Ka Rustler

Ka Rustler has been performing, researching and analyzing somatic practices and their embodiment in movement, choreography and therapy for over 30 years. BMC® Teacher


»What better way to connect to your child than through contact improvisation?!«
— Naomi // Berlin
»A space for gentle growth and mindful development! With and by loving, professional companions who work with the depth of their own experience!«
— Na Mi // Berlin
»For me, the Somatic Basics Training is a year of experience, research and learning that connects me with myself and the world again and again. It inspires and accompanies me in my own search for meaning. «
— KS // Berlin
»Somatic teaches me to be mindful with my own body and myself. It leads me to an unbiased consideration of my needs and feelings. You could also call it self-love. «
— M.M. // Berlin
»I have become more sensitive to my body and its structures. I identify my body more than before as my home. «
— TL // Berlin
»Somatic gives me more awareness and thus love and attention for my body. «
— Henriette // Berlin
»Thank you for the wonderful journeys through the inner and outer landscapes.«
— Miriam // Berlin

Daten & Kosten




Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
  • Full Price: 690.00 EUR
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal

This module is part of the professional training C.A.R.E | Somatic childhood pedagogy. It is seperatly bookable as well:

C.A.R.E | Somatic childhood pedagogy - Movement and learning
DE+EN | 5-day workshop in somatic childhood pedagogy
Oct 27, 2025 – Oct 31, 2025

>> more info


Heike Kuhlmann
Adalisa Menghini
Ka Rustler

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
  • Full Price 690.00 EUR
ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor