Somatic Movement Educator Training

Somatic Movement Educator Training

ISMETA certified education

Somatics is a distinct professional (field) concerned with the practice and pedagogy of bodily connectedness (embodiment). Somatics supports others to connect directly and immediately with their physicality and to apply and integrate it practically and intelligently in everyday or professional life. 

Part 1: Somatic Basics Training

Part 2: Somatic Pedagogy Training

ISMETA Certified Somatic Movement Educator. 

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

500 hrs / 16 modules / 12 somatic methods / 4 lecturers

The cross-method training Somatic Movement Educator comprises a total of 2 parts for ISMETA 500 certification.

The ISMETA 500 certification enables you to work with groups as a somatic movement educator.

The work as a somatic movement educator can be found in most professions, areas of life and society such as art, education, medicine, social work, etc.. Application.

Consciously integrated physicality & sensitivity supports and expands:

Empathy and relationship skills
decision-making ability
Ability to adapt and orientate
Vitality and endurance
Autonomy and ability to work in a team
Ability to reflect, process and contextualize

The 2 parts in detail:

Part 1: Somatic Base Year 

The Somatic Base Year focuses on individual process and experiential development. 1 year, 6 modules, 5 days per module.
Perceptual learning in the somatic methods allows for conscious engagement with one's own body and the resulting relatedness with others.
This part is dedicated to the immediate experience, freed from the pressure of already having to apply and forms an important basis for one's own integration of the contents.
The Somatic Basic Year can also be booked individually. Detailed information is available here.

Part 2: Somatic Pedagogy Training 

The Somatic Pedagogy Training takes place - like Part 1- in a fixed group. It consists of 10 modules (each Mon-Fri) spread over a period of 1.5 years. In the modules the somatic methods from part 1 are deepened.
In going through the development process again, it is analyzed through the perspective of different somatic methods and made penetrable, communicable and capable of action by means of the ongoing process of one's own embodiment.
Part 2 ends with a final exam that includes practical and theoretical components.
Completion of Part 1 certifies for teaching application.
Part 1 is a prerequisite for participation in Part 2.
Partial certification as a Somatics Specialist after Part 1 & Part 2 (500 hrs).

We recommend an additional Somatic Specialization:

The Somatic Specialization is about the individual specialization of the Somatiker*in. There are 4 different choices for this:

Participants can choose a 200-hour self-contained specialization from the Somatic Academy Berlin (SAB) program.
Participants can compile an individual program from individual offers of the SAB until 200UE are reached.
Participants can choose a specialization that is not directly run by the SAB but is in collaboration with it.

Prerequisites for participation in part 1: none
Prerequisites for participation in Part 2: Part 1 or comparable previous experience


Die Teile

Somatic Pedagogy Training in EN

Somatic Pedagogy Training in EN

Cross-method teaching of somatics in a group context

The Somatic Pedagogy Training also provides an insight into the history and philosophy of somatics, its theories, principles, delimitations and its critical reflection within...


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Kai Ehrhardt

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, Breath Therapist/based on the work developed by Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Continuum Teacher and Heilpraktiker (Psychotherapy)

"I had the honor and privilege to learn from the two founders Prof. Ilse Middendorf (Perceptible Breath / Erfahrbarer Atem) and Emilie Conrad (Continuum) and I am pleased to be able to pass on this work." Since 2012, Kai has been developing professional trainings at the Somatic Academy as well as programs dedicated to the application of Somatics in everyday life. He has been a co-curator of the Body IQ festival since 2015. Since 2003, he has developed the approach "Authentic Eros", which integrates - as a somatic application - bodywork, relationship communication and group-dynamic processes in the area of personal and interpersonal development. He is a member of the professional associations Atem, Continuum and ISMETA.

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Marion Evers 

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, M.A. in Theatre, Linguistics & Political Science, Embodiment Research, Breath Therapist, Somatic Voice Work, Somatic Yoga

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, studied Theatre, French Linguistics & Political Science Cologne, Berlin, Marseille, M.A. "From Actor to Performer "1998, studies in Performance Arts, work in the field of directing/dramaturgy, speaker, moderator. The interest in a stronger integration of theory and practice leads to the foundation of the Somatic Academy, Embodiment Research, Body Phenomenological Foundations, Critical Somatics, Social Body & Body Politics in relation to somatic practices in their social and political relevance of "somatics" today.

Somatic Movement Educator (RSME/ISMETA), Somatic Yoga & Somatic Voice Trainer, Breath Therapist according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Yoga Teacher (BDY/EYU)
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Katja Münker

Dance | Choreography | Performance | Somatics | Artistic Research | Walking Art | Mountain Hiking Guiding

Continuing education lecturer and director of Environmental Somatics and EMERGE/ Somatic in Dance at the Somatische Akademie Berlin. Member of the German Feldenkrais Association & ISMETA-registered RSME/RSMT/RSDE.

Trained as a physical therapist, Feldenkrais teacher, and mountain hiking guide, as well as in contemporary dance, (contact) improvisation, instant composition.

Conscious and embodied learning, the potential between individual freedom and collective inclusion in the environment, as well as joy, ease, and consciousness in the movement are the focus of her teaching. Her research-oriented practice is informed by deep-sensing investigation and reflecting evaluation. Beyond teaching her work includes performance projects, conference papers, and publications focusing on somatics and choreography, as well as on walking. Regular teaching at universities including FU Berlin, UdK Berlin, and HZT Berlin. Artistic research collaboration with AREAL_artistic research lab Berlin.

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Heike Kuhlmann

MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography 

Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on:


Kosten & Daten


6700€ | complete Somatic Movement Educator Training (ISMETA certified)

3100€ | 2700€ early bird until Dec 22, 2023 | part 1 Somatic Basics Training
5200€ | 4500€ early bird until Nov 11, 2023 | part 2 Somatic Pedagogy Training

Coaching: 50€/60min


Apr 22, 2023 - Apr 11, 2025 | part 1 Somatic Basics Training in German
Sep 23, 2023 - Sep 23, 2025 | part 1 Somatic Basics Training in English
May 27, 2024 - Feb 13, 2026 | part 2 Somatic Pedagogy Training



7900€ | 7100€ early bird until Dec 22, 2023 complete Somatic Movement Educator Training (ISMETA certified)

3100€ | 2700€ early bird until Dec 22, 2023 | Somatic Basics Training in German

5400€ | 4900€ early bird Somatic pedagogy (tba 2026-2028)

Begleitung bzw. Coaching: 50€/60min


Part 1 Somatic Basics
22. April 2023 - 11. April 2025 | Somatisches Basisjahr in deutsch oder
23. September 2023 - tba September 2025 | Somatisches Basisjahr in englisch

Ausbildung Teil 2 Somatische Pädagogik 
Zeitraum tba 2026-2028


10:00am - 5:30pm
SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
  • Earlybird: 7100.00 EUR
  • Full Price: 7900.00 EUR
Zahlung nur nach Bewerbung
Hinweise Please don´t hesitate contacting us directly if you have questions.


Kai Ehrhardt
Marion Evers
Katja Münker
Heike Kuhlmann

Daten & Kosten

  • Earlybird 7100.00 EUR
  • Full Price 7900.00 EUR
Zahlungnur nach Bewerbung
SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30