- Connecting Creating Appearing | Somatic Choreography & Performance-Project
EN | 6-day performance project with Katja Münker
With release technique, Feldenkrais method, somatic research, experiential anatomy and improvisation / instant composition skills in somatic choreography are trained. In a final showing, the sensing performance and embodied emergence is tested.
CONNECTING CREATING APPEARING - Somatic Performance ProjectFinal Performance | Aug 10, 2024 | 06:00pm | free
When the sensing and sensed body permeates every phase of the creation of dance & performance.
Participants of the CONNECTING CREATING APPEARING workshop & the EMERGE-Somatics in Dance training show their work, created within a week.
Everybody is cordially invited to attend the final performance on Aug 10, 2024 at 6:00pm.
What is this workshop about?
When the sensing and felt body permeates every phase of the creation of dance & performance ...
From the basics in dance training, to finding movement, space and rhythm, to mixing, working through and editing the composition, to abstraction, reflection and finally emerging, this workshop connects all steps with the living inhabited body in the living inhabited space. Somatic embodiment methods form the starting point for the physical and creative exploration of dance. With release technique, Feldenkrais method, somatic research, experiential anatomy and improvisation / instant composition, skills in somatic choreography are trained. In a final showing, the sensing performance and embodied appearance will be explored.
The workshop supports: personal development, physical expression and artistic expression.
It offers: Dance technique, experiential anatomy & physiology, composition, improvisation, ensemble work & development of own choreographies.
In this way, the participants receive both dance-specific advanced training and also and action orientation in creative processes in general, working and social skills in groups, body, movement and spatial presence as well as training in individual appearance in front of groups and in space.
For whom is this workshop recommended?
The workshop addresses educators, therapists, teachers, dancers, dance/theatre teachers, choreographers and anyone who wants to apply embodied dance, movement and creative practices in their everyday or professional life and integrate sovereign, stress-free appearances.
Movement experience is required.
This event can be booked individually or as module of the continuing education Emerge. Please don´t hesitate to contact Katja Münker directly if you have questions.
Photocredit: Sivan Berlin
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen
EMERGE Continuing Education // Somatics in Dance, Choreography & Performance
Concept: Heike Kuhlmann & Katja Münker
Lecturers: Andrea Keiz, Heike Kuhlmann, Susanne Martin, Katja Münker & Andrew Wass
Emerge // Somatics in Dance, Choreography & Performance is a 250-hour, modular, in-service specialization in Somatic Pedagogy for use in artistic, creative, performative & educational professions.
The sentient body and the experience/experiencing of oneself in movement and in interaction with the environment are the focus of this dance-choreographic advanced training.
The methods Body-Mind Centering®, Feldenkrais Method and Authentic Movement form the basis for movement trainings and aesthetic research. With improvisation and composition strategies, these experiences are made creatively creative and performative-artistic usable. This enables the development of individual dance abilities in their deep, embodied potential. Connected to the somatic experience, choreographic criteria and tools are taught. The participants are thus accompanied through an artistic development process in which they (further) develop their own present, powerful and subtle penetration of movement as an aesthetic form and conclude with a presentation.
For whom is Emerge recommended?
This continuing education is aimed at educators, therapists, teachers, dancers, dance/theater educators, choreographers and anyone who wants to implement creative action and relaxed, confident performance in their everyday life or profession.
What does Emerge promote?
- Development of somatic-choreographic action through a strengthening of sensory reference in decision-making and in the use of choreographic strategies.
- Unfolding creativity through training in strategies for shaping individual and collaborative creative processes, strategies for overcoming creative blocks.
- Deepening embodiment through body awareness training (being at home in the body), strengthening the body's own resources and sensory reference in movement.
- Performativity by strengthening individual and collective expressiveness, by strengthening sensory references in public performance, in solo and group performances and in application in individual areas of interest.
What does Emerge include?
The Emerge continuing education is modular. It is possible to join at any time. The completion is based on
- participation in 250h compulsory & elective modules,
- participation in 3h somatic & 3h artistic coaching each,
- artistic contributions to the workshop-internal performance shows,
- Documentation of the individual somatic process (max 5 pages) and
- Documentation of the artistic process (max 5 pages) with follow-up discussion
Curriculum 2023-2024
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Module 7 | Aug 05-10, 2024 | Connecting, creating, appearing // Somatic choreography & performance prroject with Katja Münker
| 760€ |
Module 8 | Sep 13-15, 2024 | Oct 18-20, 2024 | Nov 01-03, 2024 | Somatic choreography in Body-Mind Centering®, Contact Improvisation & Authentic Movement with Heike Kuhlmann
| 1150€ These three weekends build on each other and can only be booked together. |
Module 9 | Nov 15-17, 2024 | Expanding Project Unfolding // Tensegrity-principles & Fascia anatomy in dance with Katja Münker
| 430€ |
Curriculum 2025-2026
Module 1 | Nov 14-16, 2025 | Time to move - Time to be still // Feldenkrais in dance, choreography & performance with Katja Münker
| 430€ |
Module 2 | Mar 28-29, 2026 | Artistic research & documentation with Andrea Keiz & Susanne Martin
| 280€ |
Module 3 | tba 2026 | Authentic Movement as ressource for creative processes with Heike Kuhlmann
| 250€ |
Module 4 | tba 2026 | Body-Mind Centering® as base for creativity with Heike Kuhlmann
| 250€ |
Module 5 | tba 2026 | Ensemble Thinking with Andrew Wass
| 430€ |
Module 6 | tba 2026 | Danceimprovisation as an art with Susanne Martin
| 430€ |
Module 7 | tba 2027 | Connecting, creating, appearing // Somatic choreography & performance prroject with Katja Münker
| 760€ |
Module 8 | tba 2027 | Somatic choreography in Body-Mind Centering®, Contact Improvisation & Authentic Movement with Heike Kuhlmann
| 1150€ These three weekends build on each other and can only be booked together. |
Module 9 | tba 2027 | Expanding Project Unfolding // Tensegrity-principles & Fascia anatomy in dance with Katja Münker
| 430€ |
Additionally, according to the individual focus or interest:
90h Continuing education | Recognition from advance training possible or optionally bookable in
| varies according to selection or pre-training |
Artistic Coaching | Optional with one lecturer of Emerge
| 60€/h |
1:1 Somatic session | Optional with one lecturer of Emerge
| 60€/h |
Documentation, feedback, certification | Both
| 200€ |
Katja Münker
Dance | Choreography | Performance | Somatics | Artistic Research | Walking Art | Mountain Hiking Guiding
Continuing education lecturer and director of Environmental Somatics and EMERGE/ Somatic in Dance at the Somatische Akademie Berlin. Member of the German Feldenkrais Association & ISMETA-registered RSME/RSMT/RSDE.
Trained as a physical therapist, Feldenkrais teacher, and mountain hiking guide, as well as in contemporary dance, (contact) improvisation, instant composition.
Conscious and embodied learning, the potential between individual freedom and collective inclusion in the environment, as well as joy, ease, and consciousness in the movement are the focus of her teaching. Her research-oriented practice is informed by deep-sensing investigation and reflecting evaluation. Beyond teaching her work includes performance projects, conference papers, and publications focusing on somatics and choreography, as well as on walking. Regular teaching at universities including FU Berlin, UdK Berlin, and HZT Berlin. Artistic research collaboration with AREAL_artistic research lab Berlin.
Kosten & Daten
760€ | single workshop
3900€ | continuing education Emerge, costs excl. 1:1 Somatic sessions, artistic coaching, certification and 90h continuing education (varies according to selection or pre-training)
All modules can be booked individually and do not have to be completed chronologically. The prices vary depending on the module and (guest) lecturers, see curriculum. A price saving results when booking all modules.
Aug 05th - 10th, 2024 | 10:00am – 5:00pm, Aug 10th 12:30pm – 8:30pm
Curriculum of the continuing education Emerge
- Full Price: 760.00 EUR