Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage (ITTM)

- Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage (ITTM)

Event for informations & insights into the ITTM training

You are invited to learn about the basics of Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage (ITTM). Practical experiences of massage sequences will be combined with the know how of the ways how energy flows inside the body.

You will get first impressions about the principles and methodology of ITTM while exploring touch and intuition. Please bring your questions and curiosity

The Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage Training will start on the 09th of June 2023.

As an alternative to this get-to-know and trial session, you can contact Zahiro in his practice in Neukölln or online via zoom call. Please follow this link and book your appointment date directly at "Online Booking“ in the menu bar :


Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


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Zahiro Kai Esko

Lecturer for Thai Yoga Massage, alternative practitioner, teacher for GYROTONIC ®

has been practicing Thai Yoga Massage for many years. During his yearly stays in Asia since 2004 he has learned this form of massage and other energetic bodywork at all major schools in Thailand. Since 2008 he has been working as a lecturer for Thai Yoga Massage. He is an alternative practitioner and combines the balancing effect of his bodywork with the dynamic work as a GYROTONIC ® and movement teacher. He is also at the end of a three-year training to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and uses elements and insights of this trauma treatment according to Peter Levine in his work.

Kosten & Daten

Donation based


6:30-9:30 pm
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal


Zahiro Kai Esko

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
    ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal
    Somatische Akademie Berlin
    Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30