- Ouroborus - Moving medicine from the dark -
DE+EN | Retreat with Kai Ehrhardt (6 days + 2 nights)
This retreat is dedicated to the themes of life cycles, death and initiation. Over the first four days, a Continuum sequence is introduced, explained and practised.
Each element has a different function and effect on the overall system, but all train permeability, presence and the ability to surrender from a place of receptivity.
From the bones to the skin, from the breath to the metabolism, and from head to toe, the body is brought into vibration through movements and sounds and thus becomes more receptive to subtle impulses and self-regulatory processes on a physical and energetic level. The "knowledge" of the body that can be experienced through movement is invited and expressed in movement awareness. All participants practise for themselves, within a sound resonance field created and sustained by the group. Each day ends with a longer continuum sequence that integrates the work of the previous days.
The last 42 hours are no longer interrupted by language. This allows everyone to engage with their own rhythms and themes.
What does Ouroborus mean?
Ouroborus is a symbol of the eternal cycles and transformations in nature and cosmos - every end is a beginning. In Continuum, we dive into the body and under our regular everyday consciousness. It is a deepening process from rational thinking to the Eros of whole-body healing resources and the self-regulatory freedom of movement expression.
What will happen?
The body is brought into oscillation on all levels through movements and sounds, in pleasurable expansion and slowness - inhalation & exhalation, expansion & contraction, becoming & deconstructing. Permeability, presence and the ability to receptively surrender are trained. What is no longer necessary integrates or dissolves, new information emerges - physically, emotionally, inspirationally, trans-rationally
What is possible in the process?
The whole system body-psyche-environment reorganizes and regulates itself. We invite our own innate medicine - images, sensations, insights. Our own physicality opens up inner resources, creates balance, clarifies and strengthens the Self.
This event will be held in German and/or English, depending on requirements and the composition of the group.
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen
What is Continuum?
Continuum is a somatic approach through which we can inquire and learn to tune into our bodies as living events, as an ongoing orchestration of communication and resonance, as creative intelligence operating in every cell.
We can experience that we are movement and that the movement we are can inform the movement we do. We can also experience direct sensory contact with an all-pervasive regulatory dynamic.
Which background does Continuum have?
Emilie Conrad originated Continuum in the 1960’s and developed it until her passing in 2014.
This program - taught by an international team of 8 experienced teachers - integrates various decades of Continuum material.
All teachers were trained and authorized directly by Emilie Conrad during different periods of its development. They all carry aspects of the history of the work. By exploring this history, core principles of Continuum can be integrated and new impulses for its ongoing development can organically arise.
How is the Continuum Continuing Education structured?
This program - taught by 8 teachers - integrates various decades of Continuum material. All teachers studied with Emilie Conrad who originated Continuum in the 1960’s and developed it until her death in 2014.
Emilie Conrad taught in a constant state of inquiry. While each step embedded and enfolded the previous one, it also meant students entering the work in the 80’s were exposed to different material than students entering it in the 2000’s. This program attempts to bring together various Continuum „periods“ by bringing together teachers who were introduced to the work at different times.
The very nature of Continuum is to witness ourselves as a living process, open to the ongoing evolution of teachings and applications. Even though we follow basic core principles, Continuum remains an ongoing, unfolding inquiry into the mystery of conscious human life. Through the variety of teachers in this program, we hope to encourage students to trust their own inquiry, somatic movement research and to develop their own style.
Curriculum of Continuum, a continuing education
It is possible to participate in this workshop only and it is also possible to start the complete training at any time, as all modules are repeated cyclically. The official start of the new cycle is Feb 5th, 2026. We offer the whole training at a reduced rate.
Module 6 | Feb 06-09, 2025 | The art of attention with Tone Gilje
Module 7 | May 29-Jun 01, 2025 | Versatility, bringing inner practice to outer expression with Jane Okondo
Module 8 | Oct 21-26, 2025 | Ouroborus, moving medicine from the dark with Kai Ehrhardt
Module 1 | Feb 05-08, 2026 | Values, Principles and Methods of Continuum with Mary Abrams
Module 2 | May 07-10, 2026 | Self tending and self care with Rosemarie Kussinger-Steffes
Module 3 | Sep 03-06, 2026 | The resonante field of the heart with Divo G. Müller
Module 4 | tba 2027 | Embodiment and the creative process with Robin Becker
Module 5 | tba 2027 | Embodied Flow System with Megan Bathory-Peeler
For whom is the Continuum training?
This program is for people with different somatic experiences, somatic professionals, therapists, teachers, creatives, leaders, innovators - anyone who has a body - anyone who wants to connect more deeply to what it means to be human.
Many participants take part because of their personal experience and can deepen their practice through the contact with 8 Continuum experts. Some single modules assume previous experience with Continuum.
Which skills can Continuum support and empower?
- to be empathic and relational
- to be clear and decisive
- to orient and adapt
- to be vital and persevering
- to self-regulate and harmonize
- to be autonomous and team-minded
- to act from the awareness of dynamic context
- to process and reflect
- to be resilient
Which benefits does the Continuum Training provide?
If you like to become a Continuum teacher, the Continuum Training is necessary, but by itself not sufficient. The process is leaded by the Continuum Teacher Association (CTA). A diverse practice of individual experiences and a qualified mentorship are essential.

Kai Ehrhardt
Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, Breath Therapist/based on the work developed by Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Continuum Teacher and Heilpraktiker (Psychotherapy)
"I had the honor and privilege to learn from the two founders Prof. Ilse Middendorf (Perceptible Breath / Erfahrbarer Atem) and Emilie Conrad (Continuum) and I am pleased to be able to pass on this work." Since 2012, Kai has been developing professional trainings at the Somatic Academy as well as programs dedicated to the application of Somatics in everyday life. He has been a co-curator of the Body IQ festival since 2015. Since 2003, he has developed the approach "Authentic Eros", which integrates - as a somatic application - bodywork, relationship communication and group-dynamic processes in the area of personal and interpersonal development. He is a member of the professional associations Atem, Continuum and ISMETA.
850€ for the single module4500€ for the completet Continuum training
Oct 21 - 26, 2025
BerlinSomatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
- Full Price: 850.00 EUR
This retreat is also a module of the continuing education Continuum. Ample Continuum experience is required. The Continuum training will be held in a two-year cycle and consists of eight modules. All of them can be booked separately as well. Taking part to the complete program is possible at any time.