The Art of Attention

- The Art of Attention

EN | 4-day workshop Continuum with Tone Gilje

Through enlivening and activating our perceptual awareness, and as we slow down we will begin to recognize the familiar patterns, cultural imprints and limitations that sets the tone in our daily activities in life. Being aware of these patters, we can consciously turn our attention and focus towards the more minute movements, shapes and currents that might still lay in the unknown territory of our organism, waiting to be experienced, felt or expressed in new ways.

In the process of learning to recognize and embrace the more silent realm of movement and sensory awareness inside, we use sound, breath and movement sequences, images and metaphors, contact with self and surroundings through touch and sensing, witness and being witnessed, we call upon the elements, using language to make meaning.

We share insights, discoveries and our experiences/exercises in smaller group or with a partner, as well as in the larger group. Leaning on the group as an intelligent and nourishing playground for learning. 

What does this workshop focus on?

  • use your curiosity as a guide in self-exploration
  • be patient with yourself and rest in the not-knowing
  • dissolve some of the cultural and habitual and move to a more silent level of being
  • widen and expand the capacity to listen, taste, see, hear, feel, move, think…
  • experience what we call a body as a living event, as an ongoing movement through life
In time, hopefully the practice of Continuum can color and inform the way you are making choices, moving, thinking and being in life.

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

What is Continuum?

Continuum is a somatic approach through which we can inquire and learn to tune into our bodies as living events, as an ongoing orchestration of communication and resonance, as creative intelligence operating in every cell. 

We can experience that we are movement and that the movement we are can inform the movement we do. We can also experience direct sensory contact with an all-pervasive regulatory dynamic. 

Which background does Continuum have?

Emilie Conrad originated Continuum in the 1960’s and developed it until her passing in 2014. 

This program - taught by an international team of 8 experienced teachers - integrates various decades of Continuum material.

All teachers were trained and authorized directly by Emilie Conrad during different periods of its development. They all carry aspects of the history of the work. By exploring this history, core principles of Continuum can be integrated and new impulses for its ongoing development can organically arise.

How is the Continuum Continuing Education structured?

This program - taught by 8 teachers -  integrates various decades of Continuum material. All teachers studied with Emilie Conrad who originated Continuum in the 1960’s and developed it until her death in 2014.

Emilie Conrad taught in a constant state of inquiry. While each step embedded and enfolded the previous one, it also meant students entering the work in the 80’s were exposed to different material than students entering it in the 2000’s. This program attempts to bring together various Continuum „periods“ by bringing together teachers who were introduced to the work at different times. 

The very nature of Continuum is to witness ourselves as a living process, open to the ongoing evolution of teachings and applications. Even though we follow basic core principles, Continuum remains an ongoing, unfolding inquiry into the mystery of conscious human life. Through the variety of teachers in this program, we hope to encourage students to trust their own inquiry, somatic movement research and to develop their own style.

Curriculum of Continuum, a continuing education

It is possible to participate in this workshop only and it is also possible to start the complete training at any time, as all modules are repeated cyclically. The official start of the new cycle is Feb 5th, 2026. We offer the whole training at a reduced rate.

Module 6

Feb 06-09, 2025 | The art of attention with Tone Gilje

  • Concentration on the the revitalization and activation of our concious awareness
  • As we slow down, we will begin to recognize the familiar patterns, cultural imprints, and limitations that guide our daily activities in life
  • Being aware of these patterns allows us to focus our attention to gentle movements, forms and currents that may still lie in the unknown territory of our organism, waiting to be experienced, felt or expressed in new ways

Module 7

May 29-Jun 01, 2025 | Versatility, bringing inner practice to outer expression with Jane Okondo

  • Allowing us to expand the individual practice with Continuum within the environment
  • It includes, among other things, a deepening of self-inquiring learning, the expansion of the capacity of dynamic stillness and the resolution of known structures into a flowing model of coherence

Module 8

Oct 21-26, 2025 | Ouroborus, moving medicine from the dark with Kai Ehrhardt

  • Dedication to the themes of life cycles, death and initiation
  • This retreat is based on a Continuum sequence, where each element has a different function and effect on the overall system
  • But all of them practice permeability, presence and the ability to surrender from a place of receptivity
  • The last 42 hours were not be interrupted by our speech to allow everyone to engage with their own rhythms and themes

Module 1

Feb 05-08, 2026 | Values, Principles and Methods of Continuum with Mary Abrams

  • Focuses on the principles and values ​​of Continuum and aims to provide a solid experience with the fundamentals of Continuum
  • Focusing our learning on deepening our understanding through practices of breath, sound, movement, touch and testimony along with non-verbal creative expression and verbal dialogue

Module 2

May 07-10, 2026 | Self tending and self care with Rosemarie Kussinger-Steffes

  • Focuses on enriching and nourishing our organism, to identify patterns that actually work against our system and getting an opportunity to dissolve
  • The revitalizing movements of Continuum change and inform the structure of our organism
  • Through de-acceleration we stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system, inviting serenity and calmness

Module 3

Sep 03-06, 2026 | The resonante field of the heart with Divo G. Müller

  • Exploration of the resonant field and frequencies of the heart, based upon our embryological heritage, reaching into the  transpersonal resonance with the planetary heart field
  • We come together to build somatic fluidity, emotional resilience and inner soul resources which enable us meeting the unknown
  • In the somatic depth, our essential heart gifts and wounds become accessible and available for healing, transformation and envisioning
  • Unfolding a resonant heart field that invites beyond body, time and space to dwell in the intimacy and connectedness of all beings

Module 4

tba 2027 | Embodiment and the creative process with Robin Becker

  • Empowering us to challenge any self-limiting beliefs that we may have about ourselves, our body-minds, or our personal/professional practices that holds us back from embodying the truths of our deeper river selves
  • We will explore how the principles of Continuum can give us a foundation from which true freedom of expression and exploration can spring forth

Module 5

tba 2027 | Embodied Flow System with Megan Bathory-Peeler   

  • Inviting us to understand the body as a creative process
  • As we approach the body with interest and openness to discovery, we will explore how our biology's primary motives and processes of movement can serve as a metaphor for our creative endeavors
  • Continuum provides a methodology for learning to be receptive to new and unfamiliar patterns moving through us

For whom is the Continuum training?

This program is for people with different somatic experiences, somatic professionals, therapists, teachers, creatives, leaders, innovators - anyone who has a body - anyone who wants to connect more deeply to what it means to be human.

Many participants take part because of their personal experience and can deepen their practice through the contact with 8 Continuum experts. Some single modules assume previous experience with Continuum.

Which skills can Continuum support and empower?

  • to be empathic and relational
  • to be clear and decisive
  • to orient and adapt
  • to be vital and persevering
  • to self-regulate and harmonize
  • to be autonomous and team-minded
  • to act from the awareness of dynamic context
  • to process and reflect 
  • to be resilient  

Which benefits does the Continuum Training provide?

If you like to become a Continuum teacher, the Continuum Training is necessary, but by itself not sufficient. The process is leaded by the Continuum Teacher Association (CTA). A diverse practice of individual experiences and a qualified mentorship are essential.

With 8 Continuum experts, all of them learned directly from Emilie Conrad and are members in the CTA, the Somatic Academy Berlin offers a high-quality program to integrate Continuum into the context of diverse somatic methods and approaches. Therefore, each individual module also represents a personal gain for individual development and can be booked separately. Taking part of all 8 modules is required for the certification from the SAB.
Kai Ehrhardt, curator of this Continuum training at the Somatic Academy Berlin, is a member of the Continuum Teachers Association (CTA) and will be the right contact to answer further questions.


sab team_Tone Gilje.jpg

Tone Gilje

Norway-based RSMT, body and psychotherapist and Continuum teacher

Tone was trained as a Bodywork/massage therapist in 1977, in private apprenticeship and at ESALEN, CA. She is an advanced Rolfer® since 1988. She was introduced to Continuum when she trained as a Rolfer® in theUS, in 2005 she got her authorization as a Continuum teacher by Emilie Conrad. She has worked with Susan Harper since 1999. She is a certified as Psychodrama director.
From 14 years old Tone has delved into movement and meditation using various methods and expressions. In her practice and workshops, the passion for the mysteries imbedded in us is a driving force in her way of teaching and exploring. She is a member of the professional associations: PSYCHODRAMA, ROLFING®, CONTINUUM and ISMETA.

Daten & Kosten


590€ | single module
490€ | single module for repeaters

4500€ | complete Continuing Education Continuum

Monthly installment are possible.


06th - 09th of February 2025 | Thursday-Sunday 10:00am - 05:30pm



Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
  • Full Price: 590.00 EUR
  • Repeater Price: 490.00 EUR
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal

This workshop is also a module of the Continuing Education Continuum. It is dedicated to open different sensory ways to allow the diverse practice of Continuum.

The Continuum training will be held in a two-year cycle and consists of eight modules. All of them can be booked separately as well. Taking part to the complete program is possible at any time.

06th - 09th of February 2025 | Thursday-Sunday 10:00am - 05:30pm

Continuum is offered as a monthly 2,5h workshop at the SAB with Kai Ehrhardt.



Tone Gilje

Daten & Kosten

  • Full Price 590.00 EUR
  • Repeater Price 490.00 EUR
ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor